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Monitoring indoor temperatures ensures they are at a safe and comfortable level, especially for vulnerable people.
Elderly people and those with long-term health conditions should maintain a room temperature of over 18 °C, and nurseries should stay at 16-20 °C.
As well as for health reasons, using room thermometers to monitor temperatures can be a great way to save money on energy bills.
At ETI, we have analogue and digital room thermometers for accurate measurement of offices, factories and homes. Our Comfort Thermometer displays room temperature and humidity, featuring a colour-coded dial for easy reading; perfect for easy monitoring of nursing homes or a baby's room.
Find the best room thermometer for your home or workplace below.
Simple, budget-friendly room thermometers with no batteries required.
Monitor temperature and humidity simultaneously to ensure optimal room conditions.
View the highest and lowest temperatures over a period of time to monitor fluctuations and maintain a stable environment.
Features an internal sensor and external probe for tracking indoor and outdoor temperatures at once.
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